$ amerikai dollár
$ amerikai dollár€ euró£ angol fontAED emirátusi dirhamARS argentin pesoAU$ ausztrál dollárBGN bolgár levaR$ brazil realCA$ kanadai dollárCHF svájci frankCLP chilei pesoCN¥ kínai jüanCOP kolumbiai pesoCZK cseh koronaDKK dán koronaEGP egyiptomi fontHK$ hongkongi dollárFt magyar forintIDR indonéz rúpia₪ izraeli új sékelINR indiai rúpia¥ japán jen₩ dél-koreai vonMX$ mexikói pesoMYR maláj ringgitNOK norvég koronaNZ$ új-zélandi dollárPLN lengyel zlotyiRON új román lejRUB orosz rubelSAR szaúdi riálSEK svéd koronaSGD szingapúri dollár฿ thai bátTRY török líraNT$ tajvani új dollárUAH ukrán hrivnya₫ Vietnami DongZAR dél-afrikai rand
Goran Boroja
Goran Boroja works in editorial team at SafetyDetectives. With a deep-rooted passion for understanding the intricacies of computer systems, Goran leverages his extensive experience in exploring the challenges of navigating the digital age. The focus is on understanding how technological advancements can be used for a safer and more secure future. Throughout his freelance writing career, Goran has discovered his special interest in exploring the intersection of technology and society and analyzing the potential benefits and risks of emerging trends. Beyond his professional pursuits, Goran maintains an active lifestyle, often participating in outdoor activities like running, hiking, and cycling. His commitment to digital security extends to his everyday life, where he prioritizes safe practices to mitigate real-world risks.